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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = 351 = Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = 126 = Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = 9 = Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A
HOLY BIBLE REVELATION C 13 V 16 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
THE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) THE FLORENTINE CANTICA I HELL (L'INFERNO) INTRODUCTION Page 9 "Midway this way of life we're bound upon I woke to find myself in a dark wood, Where the right road was wholly lost and gone."
THE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) THE FLORENTINE CANTICA I HELL (L'INFERNO) INTRODUCTION Page 9 "Power failed high fantasy here; yet, swift to move Even as a wheel moves equal, free from jars, Already my heart and will were wheeled by love, The Love that moves the sun and other stars."
CITY OF REVELATION John Michell 1972 "The great alchemists, whose ultimate aspiration was to procure the birth of a divinity among men found it necessary first to invoke within themselves the spirit they wished to share with others. In the same tradition Plato wrote that the man who aquires the art of stereometry, the likening of unlike things which is function of the canon, sanctifies not only himself but also the city and the age in which he lives. The thought behind these various expressions was that the state of a society is determined by the individuals who comprise it; that the cosmic influences are manifest on earth through the medium of the human mind, and this is the instrument by which they may be controlled and held in balance. For the instument to be effective, it requires that the individual become aware of the current influences to which he is subject, and to this end the canon was devised; for by analogy with the dynamics of geometrical and numerological relationships, the world of phenomena is revealed as the product of archetyple forces, whose behaviour in any circumstances is predicatable once the nature is understood." "the art of stereometry, the likening of unlike things"
THE TUTANKHAMUN PROPHECIES Maurice Cotterell 1 BEHIND THE WALL OF SILENCE Page 190 The holy number of sun-worshippers is 9, the highest number that can be reached before becoming one (10) with the creator. This is why Tutankhamun was entombed in nine layers of coffin. This is why the pyramid skirts of the two statues, guarding the entrance to the Burial Chamber, were triangular (base 3), when the all-seeing eye-skirt of Mereruka contained a pyramid skirt with a base of four sides. The message concealed here is that the 3 should be squared, which equals 9" "The message concealed here is that the 3 should be squared, which equals 9"
TUTANKHAMEN Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt 1963 Page177 "The red oxen had been left behind; now the "Nine Friends" and the two viziers-of the North and South- drew the ropes attached to the bier behind which followed a last high dignitary of the royal procession." Page158 (Chapter 7) 1343 The death of the king and preparations for immortality "Analysis of his mummy shows that Tutankhamen was between eighteen and twenty years old when he died. This allows one to set the approxi-mate date of his coronation in his ninth year, since there is no date mentioned in connexion with him after year 9 which appears on wine jars found in his tomb."
STEPHEN HAWKING Quest for a theory of everything Kitty Ferguson 1991 Page 103 "The square root of 9 is three. So we know that the third side.' (line ends)
THE RISE AND FALL OF ANCIENT EGYPT The History of a Civilisation from 3000 BC to Cleopatra Toby Wilkinson 2010 Page 30 DIVINE RIGHT (5000-2175 BC In total, Atum and his immediate descendants numbered nine deities, three times three expressing the the ancient Egyptian concept of completeness.
TRANSFORMATION THE BREAKTHROUGH Whitley Strieber 1988 “nine knocks I was shattered, overwhelmed. I remembered their eerie precision-three groups of three”
THE RISE AND FALL OF ANCIENT EGYPT The History of a Civilisation from 3000 BC to Cleopatra Toby Wilkinson 2010 "In total, Atum and his immediate descendants numbered nine deities, three times three expressing the the ancient Egyptian concept of completeness. “nine deities, three times three”
STEPHEN HAWKING Quest For A Theory Of Everything Kitty Ferguson 1992 Page 103 "...The square root of 9 is 3. So we know that the third side” This occurs on the 33rd line down of page 103
TRANSFORMATION THE BREAKTHROUGH Whitley Strieber 1988 Page 128 "Dr Gliedman had given me his essay "Quantum Entanglements: On Atomic Physics and the Nature of Reality," and I had been reading it..." "Page 129 "I returned to Dr. Gliedman's essay. I read the following sentence: "The mind is not the playwright of reality." At that moment there came a knocking on the side of the house. This was a substantial noise, very regular and sharp. The knocks were so exactly spaced that they sounded like they were being produced by a machine. Both cats were riveted with terror. They stared at the wall. The knocks went on, nine of them in three groups of three, followed by a tenth lighter double-knock that communicated an impression of finality. These knocks were coming from just below the line of the roof, at a spot approximately eighteen feet above the gravel driveway. Below the point of origin of the knocks were two open windows. Had anybody been out on the driveway with a ladder I would certainly have heard their movements on the gravel. In addition, to get a ladder to that point they would have activated the movement-sensitive lights. But it was dark beyond the windows. It would be next to impossible to stand on the sharply angled roof that covers the living room of the cabin. While the angle of the roof above the upstairs bedroom is almost flat, this roof is extremely steep. What's more, I would certainly have heard anybody crawling around on the roof. There would have been creaks and groans from the boards, and there is no question but that I would have noticed the sounds, given the profound silence of the country night. I am absolutely dead certain about the reality of the knocks. They were not made by the house settling. Nothing but an intentional act could have produced such loud, evenly spaced sounds. They were not a prank being played by neighbors. In the summer of 1986 I had not yet told my neighbors about the visitors. What's more, the prank explanation was hopelessly impractical. To reach the place from which I heard the knocks..." Page 131 cannot be put down to disease. Such a thing is not a symptom. My cats would not have reacted to something happening in my mind. I am reporting a true event. It was the first definite, physical indication I had while in a state of commpletely normal consciousness that the visitors were part of this world. They were responding to my attempts to develop the relationship and accept my fear by making their physical reality more plain. The stunning event of August 27, 1986, strengthened my wavering resolve to keep the matter where it belongs, which is in question. It is an awfully serious business, and it cannot be removed from question except as we learn more facts. Should we decide to believe something about this that is not true, we will ruin it for ourselves. We will form yet another mythology around the visitors, as I suspect we have been doing throughout our history. The moment after the nine knocks I thought to go outside. I also thought, You're not ready yet. You just go up to bed. The next morning I thought that was exactly what I had done. But there was something wrong. While the knocks were taking place I was unquestionably in a normal state of mind. As soon as I began to move from the chair, though, I feel that I may have entered another state. Unfortunately, I did not remember that something may have happened after the knocks until weeks later. On the morning after, my immediate thought was that I had failed miserably. The visitors had come, had knocked-and I'd just sat there, too scared even to open the door! I therefore don:t know whether I concocted the subsequent memories to make myself feel better, or if they were hidden by a more prosaic screen memory. One day I glanced at the clock on our videotape machine and suddenly remembered seeing it when it said 2:18 A.M. An instant later I recalled that I'd seen it reading that time as I went upstairs on the night of the nine knocks. Page 134 (omitted) TWELVE Fire of the Question "In the days after I heard the nine knocks I was shattered, overwhelmed. I remembered their eerie precision-three groups of three perfectly measured, exactly spaced sounds, each precisely as loud as the one previous. And then there had been a soft double-knock completely different in tone from the others. It had communicated a distinct sense of finality, and seemed by its lightness of tone not to be a part of the group. The nine knocks were a sort of communication. The tenth was punctuation..." Page 135 "The nine knocks made me struggle even harder to understand. And I did not understand. But I had a few ideas It was as if I had discovered an unknown world that has always been around us, that may be an even greater reality..."
THE RISE AND FALL OF ANCIENT EGYPT The History of a Civilisation from 3000 BC to Cleopatra Toby Wilkinson 2010 Page 30 DIVINE RIGHT (5000-2175 BC In total, Atum and his immediate descendants numbered nine deities, three times three expressing the the ancient Egyptian concept of completeness.
TRANSFORMATION THE BREAKTHROUGH Whitley Strieber 1988 Page 134 "In the days after I heard the nine knocks I was shattered, overwhelmed. I remembered their eerie precision-three groups of three perfectly measured, exactly spaced sounds,” “nine knocks” “three groups of three”
STEPHEN HAWKING Kitty Ferguson Page 103 "...The square root of 9 is 3. So we know that the third side” This occurs on the 33rd line down of page 103
Toby Wilkinson 2010 Page 30 “In total, Atum and his immediate descendants numbered nine deities, three times three expressing the the ancient Egyptian concept of completeness.” Whitley Strieber 1988 Page 134 “nine knocks I was shattered, overwhelmed. I remembered their eerie precision-three groups of three”
URI Andrija Puharich Copyright 1974 By Lab Nine Ltd Page 132 "This is how we remembered it at the time: Abraham was living near Hebron at Mamre. He was lying in his tent in the heat of
the day when three men appeared before him. They seemed to be real men. Abraham treated them hospitably with food and drink as though they were real men. Then one of them predicted that Sarah, who was around ninety years old, would have a child. She, of course, laughed this off as blarney. The three men indicated that they were on a serious mission for the Lord."
AND OTHER STORIES Thomas Mann 1875 - 1955
"Abraham, was likewise so old and stricken in years, already ninety-nine"
1 Corinthians 15:51
THE NEW BOOK OF REVELATION INNER LIGHT PUBLICATIONS 1995 COMPILED BY TUELLA THE HOLY 999 Page 32 Part 6 "3. You have finally located in your search the only passage or use of the number 666 in the entire written record. In vain did you search for another, for no other corresponding witness exists any- where. For it is here at this point in the record (Rev. 13:18) that the perversion of this number made entry, calculated and deliberate in its destructive intent. In the (four) references to this subject that follow, the number becomes a mark that is not My Seal. The few references that follow go on to expand the prized lie that it is the "mark of the beast" and even that it appears in the forehead as well as the hand. Once an awareness is born of these interferences and the motive, the entire proposal is clearly exposed. 4. The number 999 is identified as truly of My Kingdom. It represents a Divine number of the Creation of Life itself in this and other Universes. This is a widely known fact in other worlds. It is a code number within the consciousness of many who have come to Page 32 / this planet to serve the father, and who are actual extensions of myself. To disguise this number as a mark of the fallen ones has dia-bolically and thoroughly confused the souls of this planet, but it was easily accomplished by another source simply by inverting the number upside down." Page 32 Part 6 "...3. You have finally located in your search the only passage or use of the number 666 in the entire written record. In vain did you search for another, for no other corresponding witness exists any- where. For it is here at this point in the record (Rev. 13:18)..." 4. The number 999 is identified as truly of My Kingdom. It represents a Divine number of the Creation of Life itself in this and other Universes." "...but it was easily accomplished by another source simply by inverting the number upside down."
DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE Siegfried Mandel 1969 Page number (omitted) "Appendix 5. Symbols Atomic Numbers, and Atomic Weights of Elements (1947) Dysprosium . Symbol Dy . Atomic Number 66 . Atomic Weight of Elements 162.46 Einsteinium . Symbol Es . Atomic Weight 99 . Atomic Weight of Elements 253" Alphabetical sequence as presented in book
THE NUMERICAL ROOT VALUE OF THE ENGLISH ALPHABET ISISIS 9 A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J+K+L+M+N+O+P+Q+R+S+T+U+V+W+X+Y+Z 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+13+15+16+17+18+10+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 First Total = 351 3+5+1 = 9
A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J+K+L+M+N+O+P+Q+R+S+T+U+V+W+X+Y+Z 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 Second Total 126 1+2+6 = 9
STORM ON THE SUN HOW THE SUN AFFECTS LIFE ON EARTH Joseph Goodavage 1979 Page 5 THE STAR Chapter 1 "Eliminate the impossible. Whatever remains, however improbable must be true" Sherlock Holmes
UNDERSTANDING THE PRESENT Bryan Appleyard 1992 Page 152 "There was even something symbolically magical about the way Planck arrived at the number. He discovered it simply as a way of solving equations rather than via any route through the intuitively possible or the experimentally observable. This evokes the method of that fictional hero of the age of science, Sherlock Holmes, as he affirms it to the long-suffering Dr Watson in The Sign of Four in 1889. 'How often', he asks impatiently, 'have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, what- ever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'5
TELEGRAPH WEEKEND CHESS David Norwood Saturday September 27, 2003 "Examines the evidence in the case of the chess playing sleuth" TO QUOTE SHERLOCK "WHEN YOU HAVE ELIMINATED THE IMPOSSIBLE WHAT REMAINS, HOWEVER IMPROBABLE, MUST BE THE TRUTH."
DAILY MAIL WEEKEND Saturday 15 July 2006 Your Week Ahead Jonathan Cainer Page 85 (number omitted) "TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21: 'When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.' Sir Arthur Conan Doyle gave these words to Sherlock Holmes. You don't, though, have to be a great detective in order to see their relevance in your life this week. Something seemingly far-fetched is taking place. The more you try to understand it, the more confused you become. Surely, something can't really be happening or someone has got hold of the wrong end of the stick. Really, though;you had best believe the evidence of your own eyes. What's happening may be very strange but it is very positive."
Daily Mail, Friday, May 23, 2014 Page 51 COFFEE BREAK ODD STREAK (CARTOON STRIP) Sherlock Holmes did quite well as a part time GEOLOGIST... SEDIMENTARY MY DEAR WATSON. . . SEDIMENTARY."
Page 210 HOLY BIBLE Page 968 Chapter 4. B.C.519 "For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth."
ENUMA ELISH - Babylonian Creation Myth - The continued story www.stenudd.com/myth/enumaelish/enumaelish-
I hereby name it Babylon, home of the great gods. The word used in the text is written phonetically, ba-ab-i-li, contrary to tradition, maybe to allow for the etymological explanation of the name as the ‘gate of the gods’.
ENUMA ELISH "The word used for man is lullu" LULLU 33333 LULLU "The word used for man is lullu"
ENUMA ELISH - Babylonian Creation Myth - The continued story www.stenudd.com/myth/enumaelish/enumaelish-
Tho' much is taken, much abides; and though Ulysses www.victorianweb.org/authors/tennyson/ulyssestext.html
======================================== NUMEROLOGY Numerology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Not to be confused with number theory. Contents [hide] There have been a few examples of numerology that have led to theories that transformed society: see the mention of Kirchhoff and Balmer in Good (1962, p. 316) ... and one can well include Kepler on account of his third law. It would be fair enough to say that numerology was the origin of the theories of electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, gravitation.... So I intend no disparagement when I describe a formula as numerological.
I AM 95 59 AM I
http://www.noeticsciences.co.uk/ Chaldean Numerology - Examiner.com www.examiner.com/.../chaldean-numerology-a-how-to-guide-to-finding.. 22 Mar 2011 - The Chaldean numerology systems are the said to be the oldest numerology systems known. The Chaldeans were said to be an ancient ...Numerology is one of many mystical or esoteric relationships that occur between numbers and physical objects or living things. Specifically, the Chaldean Numerology system is one of the oldest forms of numerical divination relating to astrological interpretations. Today, numerology is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology and similar divinatory practices. The Chaldean numerology systems are the said to be the oldest numerology systems known. The Chaldeans were said to be an ancient civilization that were blessed by "I AM", with the wisdom of Numerology. In Christian theology, “I AM” is the title given to God. God is said to be the great “I AM.” The implications of this assertion gives way to many assumptions that signify the types of divinatory arts that God actually allows from His people. If God allows divinatory arts, by blessing the Chaldeans with Numerology, then certain assertions in the Bible are false, but that is for another discussion. “Chaldean numerology is different from Western numerology in that it does not assign the mystical number 9 to any letter of the alphabet, because 9 always disappear. The numerical vibrations assigned to the letters are not determined by the alphabetical order, but by the energy vibration of each individual letter. This is a very mystical and spiritual approach to numbers using them in combination with Astrology, Name Power, Music Vibrations, and Colors.” (http://www.angelfire.com/biz3/danielkudra/Numerology.html) Here are the vibratory numbers that are assigned to each letter of the alphabet and the meaning of each vibration: Value L e t t e rs 1 A, I, J, Q, Y 2 B, K, R 3 C, G, L, S 4 D, L, M, T 5 E, H, N, X 6 U, V, W 7 O, Z 8 F, P 0 - ZERO “Zero is the "X" factor. Depending upon its placement, it illustrates the paradox of representing nothing and everything. While the zero is cipher denoting nothing, actually everything is contained in utero within the circle. It symbolizes potential not realized. In standard Tarot Zero is The Fool 1 - ONE (Vibrations: Leader, Original Thinker, and Independence) “One represents the male principle, the yang. One is the real "IAM" of humanity, the unity of all, the unit of vibrational measuring. It is self-consciousness. It is original, independent, aggressive, individualistic, creative, dominate; the first in a series, the leader. In standard Tarot One is the Magician or Magus - Divine Purpose. 2 - TWO ( Vibrations: Co-operative, Partner, Diplomat) “Two is the pair, the duo, Representing the feminine principle of receptivity, the yin, which seeks a union of two distinct entities, thus the development of choice began between good and evil, true and false, and positive and negative. It is adaptable, tactful, understanding, gentle, cautious; a follower rather than a leader. In standard Tarot Two is The High Priestess - Divine Feminine. 3 - THREE (Vibrations: Creative, Manifests Ideas. Entrepreneur, Entertainer.) “Three is manifestation and expansion. It is the performer who possesses an innate appreciation of pleasure, romance, art, and beauty. Its creative imagination allows all things to be possible. It is expansive, sociable, dramatic, communicative, diversified, and creative. In standard Tarot it is The Empress - Divine Activity. 4 - FOUR (Vibrations: Build, Detailed, Dependable, Constructs.) “Four is square consciousness, representing the 4 seasons. The symbol of law, system and order. It is firmness, security, stability and consortiums. Four is nature and relates to the earth, therefore develops a practical nature, and through self-discipline, binds itself to a conventional routine excretes of its energy. It is form, work order, practicality, construction, stability, endurance, and discipline. In standard Tarot it is The Emperor - Divine Overcoming. 5 – FIVE (Vibrations: Communicator, Travel, Writer, Freedom, Lover, and Versatile) “Five represents vital force. Five is freedom, change and adventure. Five attracts the opposite sex because of the irresistible magnetism, and this attraction set the stage for the domestic responsibilities. It is versatility, resourcefulness, adaptability, change, activity, travel, adventure, promotion, and speculation. In standard Tarot it is The Hierophant - Divine Voice. 6 - SIX (Vibrations: Healer, Teacher, Lover, and Counselor) “On the sixth day, GOD made human beings. " In the image of GOD created He him, male and female created He them," (Genesis 1:27) Six is conscientious; it desires to bring harmony, truth, justice and a sense of balance into it's environment. Love and compassion are uppermost in its mind, and it can therefore be an effective teacher, counselor or healer. Others are drawn to it because of the understanding, which emanates from it. It is family and social responsibility, service, love, compassion, counseling, healing, and creativity. In standard Tarot it is The Lovers - Divine Path. 7 - SEVEN (Vibrations: Metaphysical, Spiritual, Mediator, Investigator, and Seeker) “Seven seeks answers. It tries to establish a philosophy by which to live and attempts to penetrate the mystery behind its existence, which it never questioned to this point. Because solitude is necessary for analysis, the seven feels the need to spend time alone, away from the crowds, in touch with nature. It looks for friendship with those of an elevated consciousness that can match its own. It is quiet, introspective, intuitive, analytical, inspirational, reclusive, philosophical, and mystical. In standard Tarot it is The Chariot - Divine Victory. 8 - EIGHT (Vibrations: Money, Power, Manager, and Supervisor) “Eight is infinity - that of eternal and continuous spiral motions, which is constant throughout the universe. Eight will always assume power, for it has achieved control and responsibility in its chosen field. Recognition and financial rewards are bestowed and expansion and growth in the business world take place. Eight is power, responsibility, financial rewards, good judgment, and recognition. In standard Tarot it is Justice - Divine Balance 9 - NINE (Vibrations: Humanitarian, Siblings, and People Person) “Nine contains the forces of all the other numbers. It stands for complete cycle of growth. Nine is Selflessness and Compassion. Encompassing a love for all, it desires to apply its energy to universal service. Nine is love, compassion, patience, universality, tolerance, selfless service, and endings. In standard Tarot it is The Hermit - Divine Light THE MASTER NUMBERS “Beyond the spectrum of normal man is the Master Numbers 11, 22, 33. These numbers deal with genius, mysticism, spirituality, psychic and superior accomplishments. The Master Vibrations of the Universe and of Nature. All master numbers (purpose) did not necessarily have to reincarnate. 11 - ELEVEN (Vibrations: Psychic, Channel, Ambassador, Master, Alien Encounters, National work including Television and radio.) “The Number of Light. It represents the hidden "Knower." Eleven stands for the self and the Christ-self, and the Higher Self as a polarity within as ONE through embodied in the flesh. Eleven is associated with wisdom, and is existence on the highest plane of intellect and spirituality. Eleven is altruism, community, inspirational, self-understanding, sensitivity, receptivity, artistic, inventive genius, androgynous in attitude, visionary, idealism. In standard Tarot it is Strength - Divine Strength. 22 - TWENTY-TWO (Vibrations: Founder, Master Builder, International acclaim and work, Structure, Foundation.) “The Master Builder. It stands for redemption and the new order. These letters were held sacred and meaningful, as each one denotes a certain degree of illumination, leading toward the awakening of the Divine Love within. Twenty-two are practical idealism combining the vision of eleven with the added ability to put ideals into practice. It is practical genius, philanthropy, service to mankind, method, routine, systematic, ecology, and love of nature and the earth, visionary. 33 - THIRTY-THREE (Vibrations: Mysticism, Intergalactic Teacher of Love & Truth, Extraterrestrial, Universal Truths.) “The Teacher of Teachers. Thirty-three are one who is willing to sacrifice self for others even to the point of becoming a martyr to the ideal. 33 reduced is 6, which brings healing with the wisdom from above, this vibration is your "Christ like" vibration, showing and sharing ultimate love, spirituality, and service to mankind. It is mysticism, the psychic, intuition, compassion, counseling, healing, Illumination understanding.” (http://www.angelfire.com/biz3/danielkudra/Numerology.html) There are different aspects in figuring out the vibration of a person’s name and date of birth. When figuring out the Heart’s Desire, use only the vowels of the person’s name as they are known by family and friends. Next is the Personality, in which all of the letters of the person’s name are used. In figuring the Destiny number, use the person’s date of birth and add all the numbers together. The Purpose is figured by using the Heart’s Desire and the Personality. Finally, the Goal is figured by the Purpose and Destiny. It is interesting to find out how the numerical values of each aspect turn out and correspond to the meaning of the vibratory numbers. This is a valuable tool in learning about a person’s path in life. Hopefully, this will prove to be a useful tool to each individual who utilizes it. Namaste, I AM 95 59 AM I
Daily Mail Thursday, June 11 2009 Page 37 Web 2.0 - the one millionth English word ALMOST 1,500 years after it was first recorded, the English language has its one millionth word. At 10.22am yesterday Web 2.0 - describing the next generation of internet services entered the dictionary. To be accepted a word must be used at least 25,000 times across national boundaries and outside specialisms. U.S-based Global Language Monitor surveys print publications, online news sites, blogs and social media for useage. Jai Ho!, a Hindi phrase signifying the joy of victory became the 999,999th word thanks to the Oscar-Winning film Slumdog millionaire. At 1,000,001 is Financial Tsunami - a sudden financial restructuring.
We be of one blood, ye and I ! Rudyard Kipling. 1865 - 1936 ... If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can think - and not make thoughts ... vivovoco.rsl.ru/VV/E_LESSON/KIPLING.HTM
THE MAN WHO LOVED ONLY NUMBERS Paul Hoffman 1 999 Page 217 "Mathematicians in India in the sixth century had developed a place value system and introduced the concept of a zero to keep their symbols in their proper places. Thus a 1 with an 0 after it, or 10, is a very different number from a 1 alone. Erdos, who always joked that he was old and stupid, said the Indians were very clever, not just in their discovery of zero, but in their choice of similar- sounding Hindi words for stupid person (buddhu) and old person (buddha). In the seventh century, Hindu scholars introduced Islam to the Indian number scene, and the ideas of zero / Page 216 ( omitted) and place value spread rapidly throughout the Arabic world. Six centuries later, Fibonacci was so impressed with the ease of the Hindu-Arabic numerals that he wanted to make Pisan merchants aware of them. In 1202, he wrote Liber abaci (Book of the Abacus), which, despite the title had little to do with the Abacus and a lot to do with liberating computations from the yoke of Roman numerals. The book seems quaint from the vantage point of the twentieth century, because it explains what we take for granted. "The nine Indian figures are: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 , and with the sign Zero. . . any number can be written."
A BRIEF HISTORY OF INFINITY "The Quest to Think the Unthinkable Brian Clegg 2003 Page 66 "When dealing with such ratios, they would know that there was a clear relationship in terms of a full unit - so, for instance, in the famous right angled triangle of Pythagoras' theorem, they would think of of the longest side being 5 units long when the other side were 3 and 4..."
Pythagorean Triangles and Triples Jump to The 3-4-5 Triangle: 3 4 5 on graph paper But all Pythagorean triangles are even easier to draw on squared paper because all their sides are ...
www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Pythag/pythag.html - Cached - Similar
-3:4:5 triangle definition - Math Open Reference - Sep 23
-The Pythagorean Theorem and the Maya Long Count Various ancient cultures based some of their artwork on the 3-4-5 right triangle, frequently referred to by geometrists as a perfect triangle. Pythagoras is ...
www.earthmatrix.com/pythagoras.html - Cached - Similar
-Our Ancient Friend and Brother, the Great Pythagoras The evidence that the particular triangle alluded to in the Monitor is the 3,4,5 right triangle can be derived from the odd comments about Pythagoras' ...
www.sricf-ca.org/paper1.htm - Similar
-The 3-4-5 Rule is the Pythagorean Theorem: Set Control Lines for ... The Pythagorean theorem is the basis for the 3-4-5 rule. This simple math equation is a carpenter's tool used to find or verify the squareness of a room or ...
-pythagoras For integers m and n, {n2-m2, 2mn, n2+m2}is a pythagorean triangle. For m=1, n=2, you'll get {3, 4, 5}. I'll add a diagram so that this isn't completely ...
www.mathpuzzle.com/pythagoras.html - Cached - Similar
-The Pythagorean Theorem First described by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras 2500 years ago, the Pythagorean ... For example: 3,4,5 or 6,8,10 or 9,12,15 or 12,16,20 ... etc ...
www.worsleyschool.net/.../pythagoras/pythagoreantheorem.html - Cached - Similar
-pythagoras Pythagoras the 3-4-5 fallacy. ... Traditionally the example used to illustrate the Pythagorean theorem is the 3-4-5 diagram. This is a fallacy, ... www.marques.co.za/duke/pythagoras.htm - Cached - Similar -
The Theorem of Pythagoras 25 Nov 2001 ... Brief description and proof of the Pythagorean theorem by dissection, ... Ancient Egyptian builders may have known the (3,4,5) triangle and ... arc.iki.rssi.ru/mirrors/stern/stargaze/Spyth.htm - Cached - Similar -
Pythagoras theorem states that “In a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse side is equal to the sum of squares of the other two sides“.
THE GROWTH OF SCIENCE A.P.Rossiter 1939 Page 15 "The Egyptians,…" "…made good observations on the stars and were able to say when the sun or moon would become dark in an eclipse (a most surprising event even in our times), and when the land would be covered by the waters of the Nile: they were expert at building and made some discoveries about the relations of lines and angles - among them one very old rule for getting a right-angle by stretching out knotted cords with 5, 4 And 3 units between the knots."
"...among them one very old rule for getting a right-angle by stretching out knotted cords with 5, 4 And 3 units between the knots."
CIVILIZATION, SCIENCE AND RELIGION A. D. RITCHIE 1945 THE ART OF THINKING Page 39 "The Egyptians could set out a right-angle on the ground, for building or for land surveying, by means of a cord knotted at intervals of 3, 4 and 5 units of length."
CIVILIZATION, SCIENCE AND RELIGION A. D. RITCHIE 1945 THE ART OF THINKING Page 38 "In the sphere of the natural sciences and of mathematics there have been endless disputes as to how much the Greeks borrowed from their neighbours, and the disputes are likely to continue, for the evidence is scanty and unreliable. It is safe to assume that the Greeks (noted then as now for commercial enterprise) took all they could get. Their own writers say as much, for they attribute the origin of very many useful inventions to other peoples. But this one thing, the scientific outlook and method, was not there to take; they had to invent it themselves. It is well to be clear on this point, for European civilization rests on three legs. They are Greek science, Jewish religion and Roman law. / Page 39 / Roman law may well be considered the Roman development of Greek scientific method. I will therefore deal with two examples in some little detail. These are taken from the sphere of mathematics and astronomy, for it was in these two sciences that the Greeks had their most outstanding success, doing about as much as could possibly be done under the conditions of their day and laying the foundations on which all subsequent work has been based. The Egyptians knew of many useful methods of -geo- metrical calculation, for finding the area of a field, the volume of a barrel and so on. The Babylonians and earlier Mesopotamians had made accurate observations of sun, moon and stars over long periods and developed ingenious methods for calculating their future positions in the sky. In these arts of calculation these people had nothing to learn from the Greeks; it was the other way about. But there is no evidence that they ever dreamt of turning the art of calculation into the science of mathematics. Solving particular problems, however ingeniously, is not necessarily science any more than is playing chess (though all chess problems are geometrical) or keeping accounts (though all money reckoning is arithmetical). Mathematical science in the proper sense of the word attains its end by two means : (1) generalizing as far as is possible all problems and their solutions, so that one solution solves any number of particular cases; (2) finding proofs that solutions are correct as opposed to finding solutions which might be right by chance, not by necessity. The method used is the method of discussion in its specifically mathematical form. The Egyptians could set out a right-angle on the ground, for building or for land surveying, by means of a cord knotted at intervals of 3, 4 and 5 units of length. They adjusted three pegs to make a triangle with the knots at the pegs when the cord was stretched tight round them. The Greeks, seeing this trick, generalized the problem and looked for a proof of the solution. The final result, after two centuries of effort, is the First Book of Euclid's Elements, leading up to Proposition 47—that the square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle equals the sum of / Page 40 / the squares on the other sides, and that this must be so, granted the assumptions made at the beginning. (The proposition is further generalized in, Euclid VI, 31.) In this way a technical dodge of the land surveyor, depending upon the fact that 32+42= 52, was turned into science. Page 38 Notes 1 Thucydides IV, 104—V, 26.
-pythagoras Pythagoras the 3-4-5 fallacy. ... Traditionally the example used to illustrate the Pythagorean theorem is the 3-4-5 diagram. This is a fallacy, ... www.marques.co.za/duke/pythagoras.htm - Cached - Similar -
The Theorem of Pythagoras 25 Nov 2001 ... Brief description and proof of the Pythagorean theorem by dissection, ... Ancient Egyptian builders may have known the (3,4,5) triangle and ... arc.iki.rssi.ru/mirrors/stern/stargaze/Spyth.htm - Cached - Similar - 3:4:5 triangle definition - Math Open Reference - Sep 23
3 AND 4 AND 5
Ouroboros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 8:55am Historical representations - See also - References - External links
-Ouroboros - Crystalinks Ouroboros is an ancient alchemy symbol depicting a snake or dragon [DNA] swallowing its own tail, constantly creating itself and forming a circle. ...
-Ouroboros From there it moved to the Phonecians and then to the Greeks, who called it the Ouroboros, which means devouring its tail. ...
Search ResultsResults include your SearchWiki notes for PYTHAGORAS OUROBOROS. Share these notes See a preview of the shared page
-The Egyptian Ouroboros and the Enigma of - Stephen Linsteadt Studio alchemy, ouroboros, stephen linsteadt. Image by: sashkin. Scientists have seen Pythagoras and Euclid's view, that the universe operates according to ...
-The Ouroboros Collective on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s ... Download The Ouroboros Collective Experimental / / music singles, ... nudity, various instruments being set ablaze/sacrificed to Pythagoras, paint slinging, ...
-Ouroboros Press Catalogue - Alchemy: The Royal Art - tribe.net 20 Feb 2009 ... From Pythagoras to the Thrice-Greatest ... ouroboros@bookarts.org] We wrap our packages securely for safe shipping. ...
-Ouroboros Press' Journal 14 Aug 2007 ... From Pythagoras to the Thrice-Greatest Hermes, ... This Limited Edition produced by Ouroboros Press continues the tradition of fine ...
-statemaster - Encyclopedia: Ouroboros The Ouroboros, also spelled Ourorboros, Oroborus, Uroboros or Uroborus (IPA: .... from ancient Egypt and developed in the teachings of Pythagoras. ...
-thelastdayprophet Calendar of Human Sacrifices The Occult Calendar ... ... Orwelliian, New Age, Occult, Satanism, Nazi, Guillotines, Ouroboros, Theosophy. ... Pythagoras who was an initiate in the Eleusinian Mysteries, ...
-Kyr Ouroboros - "I am DEEPLY GRATEFUL for My Being!" - My Care2 Kyr Ouroboros: "...finally freed from the tyrannous bondage of his own mind ... including Edison, Einstein, Gandhi, Kafka, Pythagoras, da Vinci, Tesla, ...
-PENTACLE HEALER'S Ring - S Silver Ouroboros SNAKE RING - ebay ... ebay: Find PENTACLE HEALER'S Ring - S Silver Ouroboros SNAKE RING in the Jewelry ... The Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, thought the symbol represented the ...
Spira Solaris and the Universal Ouroboros. Spira Solaris Archytas ... - 8:52am PART VI. SPIRA SOLARIS AND THE UNIVERSAL OUROBOROS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. THE OUROBOROS Fom left to right, the first Ouroboros is one of the better known examples, which according to the source (Chris McCoy) was from: "The Chrysopoeia ('Gold-Making') of Cleopatra during the Alexandrian Period. The enclosed words mean ' the all is one.'" The same source also explains that: "In the above drawing, from a book by an early Alchemist, Cleopatra, the black half symbolizes the Night, Earth, and the destructive force of nature, yin. the light half represents Day, Heaven, the generative, creative force, yang. Alchemically, the ouroboros is also used as a purifying glyph ...The 'tail-devourer' is the symbolization of concepts such as completion, perfection and totality, the endless round of existence, etc. It is usually represented as a worm or serpent with its tail in its mouth." "Ouroboros was and is the name for the Great World Serpent, encircling the earth. The word 'Ouroboros' is really a term that describes a similar symbol which has been cross-pollinated from many different cultures. From "Ouroboros," there is the serpent or dragon gnawing at its own tail. The symbolic connotation from this owes to the returning cyclical nature of the seasons; the oscillations of the night sky; self-fecundation; disintegration and re-integration; truth and cognition complete; the Androgyne (see below); the primaeval waters; the potential before the spark of creation; the undifferentiated; the Totality; primordial unity; self-sufficiency, and the idea of the beginning and the end as being a continuous unending principle. It represents the conflict of life as well in that life comes out of life and death. 'My end is my beginning.' In a sense life feeds off itself, thus there are good and bad connotations which can be drawn. It is a single image with the entire actions of a life cycle - it begets, weds, impregnates, and slays itself, but in a cyclical sense, rather than linear. Thus, it fashions our lives to a totality more towards what it may REALLY be - a series of movements which repeat. "As Above, So Below" - we are born from nature, and we mirror it, because it is what man wholly is a part of. "A return to wholeness."
Ideas about the Ouroboros found their way into the literary world, e.g., in Artemidoros and Acrobius. The former, in his dream-book, remarks that 'the dragon also signifies Time because it is long and undulant.' The latter declares the two-headed Roman god Janus is the world: "It is also clear that it's the Sun honoured under the name of Mercurius [Hermes] according to the cadeuceus that the Egyptians have consecrated to the god in the figure of the Two Serpents, male and female, interlaced. Their upper extremities bend round together, and, embracing one another, form a circle, while the tails, after forming a knot, come together at the haft of the caduceus and are provided with wings that start off at this point. Far off, unknown, beyond the range of thought, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. SPIRA SOLARIS, ALCHEMY, AND EGYPT Here the speculation concerning the Ouroboros extends to embrace the philosopher's Stone, with the intriguing suggestion that the two are in a special relationship, one that points again to the subject of Alchemy.
HAMLET'S MILL AN ESSAY INVESTIGATING THE ORIGINS OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE AND ITS TRANSMISSION THROUGH MYTH Giorgio De Santillana and Hertha Von Dechend 1969 Intoduction Page 1 (number omitted) " The unbreakable fetters which bound down the Great Wolf Fenrir had been cunningly forged by Loki from these: the footfall of a cat, the roots of a rock, the beard of a woman, the breath of a fish, the spittle of a bird. The Edda Toute vue des choses qui n'est pas estrange est fausse. VALERY
The figure of Hamlet as a favorable starting point came by chance. Many other avenues offered themselves, rich in strange symbols and beckoning with great images, but the choice went to Hamlet because he led the mind on a truly inductive quest through a familiar landscape-and one which has the merit of its literary setting. Here is a character deeply present to our awareness, in whom ambiguities and uncertainties, tormented self-questioning and dispassionate insight give a presentiment of the modern mind. His personal drama was that he had to be a hero, but still try to avoid the role Destiny assigned him. His lucid intellect remained above the conflict of motives-in other words, his was and is a truly con/ Page 2 / temporary consciousness. And yet this character whom the poet made one of us, the first unhappy intellectual, concealed a past as a legendary being, his features predetermined, preshaped by longstanding myth. There was a numinous aura around him, and many clues led up to him. But it was a surprise to find behind the mask an ancient and all-embracing cosmic power-the original master of the dreamed-of first age of the world. This essay will follow the figure farther and farther afield, from the Northland to Rome, from there to Finland, Iran, and India; he will appear again unmistakably in Polynesian legend. Many other Dominations and Powers will materialize to frame him within the proper order. Amlodhi was identified, in the crude and vivid imagery of the Norse, by the ownership of a fabled mill which, in his own time, ground out peace and plenty. Later, in decaying times, it ground out salt; and now finally, having landed at the bottom of the sea, it is grinding rock and sand, creating a vast whirlpool, the Maelstrom (i.e., the grinding stream, from the verb mala, "to grind"), which is supposed to be a way to the land of the dead. This imagery stands, as the evidence develops, for an astronomical process, the secular shifting of the sun through the signs of the zodiac which determines world-ages, each numbering thousands of years. Each age brings a World Era, a Twilight of the Gods. Great structures collapse; pillars topple which supported the great fabric; floods and cataclysms herald the shaping of a new world. Tradition will show that the measures of a new world had to be procured from the depths of the celestial ocean and tuned with the measures from above, dictated by the "Seven Sages," as they are often cryptically mentioned in India and elsewhere. They turn out to be the Seven Stars of Ursa, which are normative in all cosmological alignments on the starry sphere. These dominant stars of the Far North are peculiarly but systematically linked with those which are considered the operative powers of the cosmos, that is, the planets as they move in different placements and configurations along the zodiac. The ancient Pythagoreans, in their conventional language, called the two Bears the Hands of Rhea (the Lady of Turning Heaven), and called the planets the Hounds of Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. Far away to the south, the mysterious ship Argo with its Pilot star held the depths of the past; and the Galaxy was the Bridge out of Time. These notions appear to have been common doctrine in the age before history-all over the belt of high civilizations around our globe. They also seem to have been born of the great intellectual and technological revolution of the late Neolithic period. The intensity and richness, the coincidence of details, in this cumulative thought have led to the conclusion that it all had its origin in the Near East. It is evident that this indicates a diffusion of ideas to an extent hardly countenanced by current anthropology. But this science, although it has dug up a marvelous wealth of details, has been led by its modern evolutionary and psychological bent to forget about the main source of myth, which was astronomy -the Royal Science. This obliviousness is itself a recent turn of events-barely a century old. Today expert philologists tell us that Saturn and Jupiter are names of vague deities, subterranean or atmospheric, superimposed on the planets at a "late" period; they neatly sort out folk origins and "late" derivations, all unaware that planetary periods, sidereal and synodic, were known and rehearsed / Page 4 / in numerous ways by celebrations already traditional in archaic times. If a scholar has never known those periods even from elementary science, he is not in the best position to recognize them when they come up in his material. Ancient historians would have been aghast had they been told that obvious things were to become unnoticeable. Aristotle was proud to state it as known that the gods were originally stars, even if popular fantasy had later obscured this truth. Little as he believed in progress, he felt this much had been secured for the future. He could not guess that W. D. Ross, his modern editor, would condescendingly annotate: "This is historically untrue." Yet we know that Saturday and Sabbath had to do with Saturn, just as Wednesday and Mercredi had to do with Mercury. Such names are as old as time; as old, certainly, as the planetary heptagram of the Harranians. They go back far before Professor Ross' Greek philology. The inquiries of great and meticulous scholars such as Ideler, Lepsius, Chwolson, BoIl and, to go farther back, of Athanasius Kircher and Petavius, had they only been read carefully, and noted, would have taught several relevant lessons to the historians of culture, but interest shifted to other goals, as can be seen from current anthropology, which has built up its own idea of the "primitive" and what came after. One still reads in that most unscientific of records, the Bible, that God disposed all things by number, weight and measure; ancient Chinese texts say that "the calendar and the pitch pipes have such a close fit, that you could not slip a hair between them." People read it, and think nothing of it. Yet such hints might reveal a world of vast and firmly established complexity, infinitely different from ours. But the experts now are benighted by the current folk fantasy, which is the belief that they are beyond all this-critics without nonsense and extremely wise. In 1959 I wrote: But they are tantalizing fragments of a lost whole. They make one think of those "mist landscapes" of which Chinese painters are masters, which show here a rock, here a gable, there the tip of a tree, and leave the rest to imagination. Even when the code shall have yielded, when the techniques shall be known, we cannot expect to gauge the thought of those remote ancestors of ours, wrapped as it is in its symbols. Their words are no more heard again Through lapse of many ages. . . We think we have now broken part of that code. The thought behind these constructions of the high and far-off times is also lofty, even if its forms are strange. The theory about "how the world began" seems to involve the breaking asunder of a harmony, a kind of cosmogonic "original sin" whereby the circle of the ecliptic (with the zodiac) was tilted up at an angle with respect to the equator, and the cycles of change came into being. This is not to suggest that this archaic cosmology will show any great physical discoveries, although it required prodigious feats of concentration and computing. What it did was to mark out the unity of the universe, and of man's mind, reaching out to its farthest limits. Truly, man is doing the same today. Einstein said: "What is inconceivable about the universe, is that it should be at all conceivable." Man is not giving up. When he discovers remote galaxies by the million, and then those quasi-stellar radio sources billions of light-years away which confound his speculation, he is happy that he can reach out to those depths. But he pays a terrible price for his achievement. The science of astrophysics reaches out on a grander and grander scale without losing its footing. Man as man cannot do this. In the depths of space he loses himself and all notion of his significance. He is unable to fit himself into the concepts of today's astrophysics short of schizophrenia. Modern man is facing the nonconceivable. Archaic man, however, kept a firm grip on the conceivable by framing within his cosmos / Page 6 / an order of time and an eschatology that made sense to him and reserved a fate for his soul. Yet it was a prodigiously vast theory, with no concessions to merely human sentiments. It, too, dilated the mind beyond the bearable, although without destroying man's role in the cosmos. It was a ruthless metaphysics. Not a forgiving universe, not a world of mercy. That surely not. Inexorable as the stars in their courses, miserationis parcissimae, the Romans used to say. Yet it was a world somehow not unmindful of man, one in which there was an accepted place for everything, rightfully and not only statistically, where no sparrow could fall unnoted, and where even what was rejected through its own error would not go down to eternal perdition; for the order of Number and Time was a total order preserving all, of which all were members, gods and men and animals, trees and crystals and even absurd errant stars, all subject to law and measure. This is what Plato knew, who could still speak the language of archaic myth. He made myth consonant with his thought, as he built the first modern philosophy. We have trusted his clues as landmarks even on occasions when he professes to speak "not quite seriously." He gave us a first rule of thumb; he knew what he was talking about. Behind Plato there stands the imposing body of doctrine attributed to Pythagoras, some of its formulation uncouth, but rich with the prodigious content of early mathematics, pregnant with a science and a metaphysics that were to flower in Plato's time. From it come such words as "theorem," "theory," and "philosophy." This in its turn rests on what might be called a proto-Pythagorean phase, spread all over the East but with a focus in Susa. And then there was something else again, the stark numerical computing of BabyIon. From it all came that strange principle: "Things are numbers." Once having grasped a thread going back in time, then the test of later doctrines with their own historical developments lies in their congruence with tradition preserved intact even if half understood. For there are seeds which propagate themselves along the jetstream of time. Page 7 And universality is in itself a test when coupled with a firm design. When something found, say, in China turns up also in Babylonian astrological texts, then it must be assumed to be relevant, for it reveals a complex of uncommon images which nobody could claim had risen independently by spontaneous generation. Take the origin of music. Orpheusand his harrowing death may be a poetic creation born in more than one instance in diverse places. But when characters who do not play the lyre but blow pipes get themselves flayed alive for various absurd reasons, and their identical end is rehearsed on several continents, then we feel we have got hold of something, for such stories cannot be linked by internal sequence. And when the Pied Piper turns up both in the medieval German myth of Hamelin and in Mexico long before Columbus, and is linked in both places with certain attributes like the color red, it can hardly be a coincidence. Generally, there is little that finds its way into music by chance. Again, when one finds numbers like 108, or 9 x 13, reappearing under several multiples in the Vedas, in the temples of Angkor, in Babylon, in Heraclitus' dark utterances, and also in the Norse Valhalla, it is not accident. There is one way of checking signals thus scattered in early data, in lore, fables and sacred texts. What we have used for sources may seem strange and disparate, but the sifting was considered, and it had its reasons. Those reasons will be given later in the chapter on method. I might call it comparative morphology. The reservoir of myth and fable is great, but there are morphological "markers" for what is not mere storytelling of the kind that comes naturally. There is also wonderfully preserved archaic material in "secondary" primitives, like American Indians and West Africans. Then there are courtly stories and annals of dynasties which look like novels: the Feng Shen Yen I, the Japanese Nihongi, the Hawaiian Kumulipo. These are not merely fantasy-ridden fables. In hard and perilous ages, what information should a well-born man entrust to his eldest son? Lines of descent surely, but what else? The memory of an ancient nobility is the means of preserving the / Page 8 / arcana imperii, the arcana legis and the arcana mundi, just as it was in ancient Rome. This is the wisdom of a ruling class. The Polynesian chants taught in the severely restricted Whare-wananga were mostly astronomy. That is what a liberal education meant then. Sacred texts are another great source. In our age of print one is tempted to dismiss these as religious excursions into homiletics, but originally they represented a great concentration of attention on material which had been distilled for relevancy through a long period of time and which was considered worthy of being committed to memory generation after generation. The tradition of Celtic Druidism was delivered not only in songs, but also in tree-lore which was much like a code. And in the East, out of complicated games based on astronomy, there developed a kind of shorthand which became the alphabet. As we follow the clues-stars, numbers, colors, plants, forms, verse, music, structres-a huge framework of connections is revealed at many levels. One is inside an echoing manifold where everything responds and everything has a place and a time assigned to it. This is a true edifice, something like a mathematical matrix, a World-Image that fits the many levels, and all of it kept in order by strict measure. It is measure that provides the countercheck, for there is much that can be identified and redisposed from rules like the old Chinese saying about the pitch pipes and the calendar. When we speak of measures, it is always some form of Time that provides them, starting from two basic ones, the solar year and the octave, and going down from there in many periods and intervals, to actual weights and sizes. What modern man attempted in the merely conventional metric systemhas archaic precedents of great complexity. Down the centuries there comes an echo of Al-Biruni's wondering a thousand years ago, when that prince of scientists discovered that the Indians, by then miserable astronomers, calculated aspects and events by means of stars-and were not able to show him anyone star that he asked for. Stars had become items for them, as they were to become again for Leverrier and Adams, who never troubled to look at Neptune in their life although they had computed and discovered it in 1847. The Mayas and the Aztecsin their / Page 9 / unending calculations seem to have had similar attitudes. The connections were what counted. Ultimately so it was in the archaic universe, where all things were signs and signatures of each other, inscribed in the hologram, to be divined subtly. And Number dominated them all (appendix # I ). This ancient world moves a little closer if one recalls two great transitional figures who were simultaneously archaic and modern in their habits of thought. The first is Johannes Kepler, who was of the old order in his unremitting calculations and his passionate devotion to the dream of rediscovering the "Harmony of the Spheres." But he was a man of his own time, and also of ours, when this dream began to prefigure the polyphony that led up to Bach. In somewhat the same way, our strictly scientific world view has its counterpart in what John Hollander, the historian of music, has described as "The Untuning of the Sky." The second transitional figure is no less a man than Sir Isaac Newton, the very inceptor of the rigorously scientific view. There is no real paradox in mentioning Newton in this connection. John Maynard Keynes, who knew Newton as well as many of our time, said of him: Newton was not the first of the Age of Reason. He was the last of the magicians, the last of the Babylonians and Sumerians, the last great mind which looked out on the visible and intellectual world with the same eyes as those who began to build our intellectual world rather less than 10,000 years ago. . . Why do I call him a magician? Because he looked on the whole universe and all that is in it as a riddle, as a secret which could be read by applying pure thought to certain evidence, certain mystic clues which God had laid about the world to allow a sort of philosopher's treasure hunt to the esoteric brotherhood. He believed that these clues were to be found partly in the evidence of the heavens and in the constitution of elements (and that is what gives the false suggestion of his being an experimental natural philosopher), but also partly in certain papers and traditions handed down by the brethren in an unbroken chain back to the original cryptic revelation in Babylonia. He regarded the universe as a cryptogram set by the Almighty-just as he himself wrapt the discovery of the calculus in a cryptogram when he communicated with Leibniz. By pure thought, by concentration of mind, the riddle, he believed, would be revealed to the initiate.1 Page 10 Lord Keynes' appraisal, written ca. 1942, remains both unconventional and profound. He knew, we all know, that Newtonfailed. Newton was led astray by his dour sectarian preconceptions. But his undertaking was truly in the archaic spirit, as it begins to appear now after two centuries of scholarly search into many cultures of which he could have had no idea. To the few clues he found with rigorous method, a vast number have been added. Still, the wonder remains, the same that was expressed by his great predecessor Galileo: But of all other stupendous inventions, what sublimity of mind must have been his who conccived how to communicate his most secret thoughts to any othcr person, though very far distant either in time or place, speaking with those who are in the In dies, speaking to those who are not yet born, nor shall be this thousand or ten thousand years) And with no greater difficulty than the various arrangement of two dozcn little signs upon paper? Let this be the seal of all the admirable inventions of man. 'Way back in the 6th century A.D., Gregoire de Tours was writing: "The mind has lost its cutting edge, we hardly understand the Ancients." So much more today, despite our wallowing in mathematics for the million and in sophisticated technology. Page 2 Note *. The indulgence of specialists is asked for the form of certain transliterations throughout the text; for example, Amlodhi instead of Amlodi, Grotte instead of Grotti, etc. (Ed.) Page 9 Note 1 1 "Newton the Man," in The Royal Society. Newton Tercentenary Celebrations (1947), p. 29.
HAMLET'S MILL AN ESSAY INVESTIGATING THE ORIGINS OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE AND ITS TRANSMISSION THROUGH MYTH Giorgio De Santillana and Hertha Von Dechend 1969 Page 162 "Finally, there is one remarkable and disturbing coincidence from the same direction. It is known that in the final battle of the gods, the massed legions on the side of "order" are the dead warriors, the "Einherier" who once fell in combat on earth and who have been transferred by the Valkyries to reside with Odin in Valhalla-a theme much rehearsed in heroic poetry. On the last day, they issue forth to battle in martial array. Says the Grimnismal (23): "Five hundred gates and fortymore-are in the mighty building of Walhalla-eight hundred 'Einherier' come out of each one gate-on the time they go out on defence against the Wolf."
CITY OF REVELATION John Michell 1972 Page 77 CHAPTER SEVEN 3168, The Perimeter of the Temple "If the numbers of the sacred principles, mentioned by St John in connection with the New Jerusalem, are obtained from the Greek text by the cabalistic method of gematria, it is found that they correspond to the dimensions of the city, set out in Fig 16. (Figure omitted) For example, the perimeter of a hexagon contained within the circle representing the earth, 7920 feet in diameter, measures 2376 feet, and 2376 is the number of (Greek text omitted), the twelve apostles of the Lamb (Revelation 21.14). 2376 x 2 feet is equal to 1746 MY, and 1745 = (Greek text omitted), the twelve apostles. The names of the apostles are said to be in the twelve foundations of the wall of the city. The wall is the circle of diameter 7920 feet and 14,400 cubits in circumference, and the foundations are the twelve corners of the double hexagon inscribed within it, fonowing the customary pattern of an astrological chart. The position of the twelve apostles in the scheme is thus clearly defined. Page 78 The perimeter of the temple is 3168, Lord Jesus Christ, when the temple is measured by the foot, the most sacred unit of ancient metrology. In terms of the megalithic yard (2.72 feet), however, the perimeter measures 1164, because 3168 feet = 1164 MY. Yet this makes no difference to the symbolic interpretation by gematria, for 1164 is the number of another name of Christ, (Greek text omitted) Son of God. As a geodetic or earth-measuring number, 3168 also demonstrates the antiquity and sacred origin of British metrology, for 31,680 ft. = 6 miles. 31,680 furlongs = 3960 miles = radius of the earth. 31,680 miles = perimeter of square containing the terrestrial sphere. 31,680 miles = circumference of circle drawn on the combined diameters of the earth and moon (10,080 miles) Other cosmological correspondences of 3168 are given on page 109. The Stonehenge sarsen circle with circumference of 316.8 feet 3168 in Plato's city 5040 = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 39,916,800 = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x.10 x 11 5040, the radius of the circular city, is the product of the numbers1 - 7; 7920, the side of the square city, is the product of numbers 8 - 11. In each case the perimeter of the city is 31,680. In Plato's Republic is the famous, cryptic reference to the 'marriage number', which should be consulted by the guardians of the state in all matters relating to the seasonal union of male and female. There appear to be two numbers involved, adding up to a third, but the riddle is so obscure that no firm solution has been reached despite the vast literature on the subject. For various reasons the number 12,960,000 or 36002 is most commonly proposed, and this would seem appropriate, for 12,960 = 5040 + 7920. 12,960 therefore represents the union of square and circle, symbol of the sacred marriage, and the gematria is also appropriate, for 1296 = (Greek text omitted) Mary mother of Jesus. FIGURE 24 (Figure omitted) Plato's city divided into 5040 rings, Perimeter = 31,680, Areas: A + a = B + b = C + c = 31,680.
FIFTY FOUR = 126-54-9-54- 126-FIFTY FOUR
THE NEW VIEW OVER ATLANTIS John Michell 1986 Page 151 "That this small gold pyramidion was an integral part of the Pyramid's design is evident from the figures. Without it the dimensions are not quite complete, for if it were removed, the area of the Pyramid's side would be 99999.99 square cubits only. With the 5 cubic inches of gold pyramidion in place, the figure of 100,000 square cubits represents the total area."
DAILY MAIL Friday, January 20, 2006 David Wilkes and Andrew Levy Page 20 "90 years on love letters of soldier's sweetheart have a happy ending"
DAILY MAIL Friday, January 20, 2006 By Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspondent Page 13 "Nine in ten career women would put family before work" "More than nine out of ten career woman would rather spend more time with their families than be promoted
"Nine in ten" "More than nine out of ten. . ."
DIAGNOSIS OF MAN Kenneth Walker 1943 Page 139 "Karma-yoga is the form of yoga that, if it were available, would be most applicable to European and American conditions of life. The principles that it inculcates would not only eliminate that state of fear and anxiety in which nine out of ten of us live, but actually increase the efficiency of the active life to which we are inevitably committed." "nine out of ten"
DAILY MAIL Monday, May 1, 2006 Ian Drury "Injured man dies after six-hour 999 delay in sending ambulance " "A MAN died after police and ambulance crews took six hours to respond to 999 calls that he was lying unconscious in a street" "He dialled 999 and told Staffordshire Ambulance Service..." "It is not clear why the ambulance service did not send paradamedics after the first 999 call."
THE FOUNTAINS OF PARADISE Arthur C. Clarke 1979 Page 90 " 'And dont forget the Pyramids.' " "... 'What did you call them? The best investmant in the history of mankind?
THE LOST WORLDS OF 2001 Arthur C. Clarke 1972 Page 99 With Open Hands "In countless subtle ways, that silent pyramid was leaving its mark upon the world. It had long been predicted that only an external threat could really unite mankind; this prediction now. appeared to be coming true. Behind the scenes, statesmen were already at work, trying to end the national rivalries that had been in existence so long, and of which few could remember the origin. There was even a chance that the concept of world government, that battered dream of the idealists, would soon become reality, though for reasons that were hardly idealistic.
REACH FOR TOMORROW Arthurc C. Clarke 1956 Introduction "Unlike authors of so-called mainstream fiction, the. writer of science fiction has the responsibility (often an embarrassing one) of confronting his readers every decade or so, to report on how his ideas have stood the test of time. This, of course, is one excellent reason for setting stories in the very distant future. Then there's no need to explain - or to apologize. Page 90 THE AWAKENING "Twenty miles away to the west, rainbow-hued in the sunlight, the upper peaks of the artificial mountain that was City Nine floated above the clouds."
THE LOST WORLDS OF 2001 Arthur C. Clarke 1972 THE DAWN OF MAN "During November 1950 I wrote a short story about a meeting in the remote past between visitors from space and a primitive ape-man. An editor at Ballantine Books gave it the ingenious title "Expedition to Earth" when it was published in the book of that name,. but I prefer "Encounter in the Dawn." However, when Harcourt, Brace and World brought out my own selection of favorites, The Nine Billion Names of God, it was mysteriously changed to "Encounter at Dawn."
OF TIME AND STARS Arthur C. Clarke 1972 THE NINE BILLION NAMES OF GOD Page 15 (Number omitted) This is a slightly unusual request,' said Dr Wagner, with what he hoped was commendable restraint. 'As far as 1 know, it's the first time anyone's been asked to supply a Tibetan monasterf with an Automatic Sequence Computer. I don't wish to be inquisitive, but I should hardly have thought that your - ah - establishment had much use for such a machine. Could you explain just what you intend to do with it?' Page 16 'We have reason to believe/ continued the lama imperturbably, 'that all such names can be written with not more
than nine letters in an alphabet we have devised.'
INTO THE COMET Page 68 "Pickett's fingers danced over the beads, sliding them up and down the wires with lightning speed. There were twelve wires in all, so that the abacus could handle numbers up to 999,999,999,999 - or could be divided into separate sections where several ndependent calculations could be carried out simultaneously."
RAMAH II Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee 1989 Page 9 "Again humanity looked outward, toward the stars, and the deep philosophical questions raised by the first Rama were again debated by the populace on Earth. As the new visitor drew nearer and its physical characteristics were more carefully resolved by the host of sensors aimed in its direction, it was confirmed that this alien spacecraft, at least from the outside, was identical to its predecessor. Rama had returned. Mankind had a second appointment with destiny." Page 178 (number omitted) "Cosmonaut Wakefield is remarkably well adjusted" "Wakefield knew more than any member of the faculty..." "Wakefield exhibits none of the anti social behaviour..." "...Wakefield and rubbed her eyes."
Page179 "the Wakefield dossier" "and Wakefield" "Wakefield" Page 180 "Wakefield's intelligence rating..." "So what about Wakefield ? she asked herself " "She resolved to talk to Wakefield." Enlisting Wakefield for support" Page 182 " '"It is time to sleep in Rama,' she intoned. She looked up and around her. The lights in this amazing world came on unexpectedly about nine hours ago, showing us in more detail the elaborate handiwork of our intelligent cousins from across the stars.' " Page "Did God make the colours?." " "You know,' he said at length to Cosmonauts Wakefield and. . . " Page 184 "Wakefield was engrossed" "But all nine sections are not absolutely the same "...Wakefield, standing up with a satisfied smile"
Page 433 The Voice of Michael "Under the word 'Rama', the general found a host of different references in the concordance. The one that he was looking for was the only one marked in a bold font. That specific reference was the saint's famous 'Rama sermon' , delivered in camp to a group of five thousand of Michael's neophytes three weeks before the holocaust in Rome. O'Toole began to read.
The Death of Forever Darryl Reanney (1991) Page 26 "A deeper understanding revealed the quixotic fact that a particle like an electron has only a certain mathematical probability of being found in any one spot.This probability has a ripple or wave-like form, but it is more like a 'crime wave'- a statistical distribution - than a physical undulation.
Gifts of Unknown Things Lyall Watson 1976 The Spirit Moves Page 216 "In 1714 the German mathematician Leibniz proposed the existence of nonspatial, indestructible, indivisible entities he called monads. He saw them as wholly psychic in nature - / Page 217 / made up entirely of the qualities of mind. They were dismissed at the time as hypothetical nonesense, but today they no longer look quite so ridiculous. For his dominant monad, the one in ultimate control, read collective consciousness or universal mind, and situate it somewhere beyond the bounds of space-time in superspace. On the next level of this cosmic hierarchy' in normal space-time comes the matter raising monad we call consciousness or mind. Put this in charge of unfolding physical systems with their infinite numbers of states, make it amenable to some form of democracy or consensus that governs lawful and orderly operation - and you have the makings of a workable system. There seem always to have been two ways of looking at the world. One is the everyday way in which objects and events, although they may be related causally and influence each other, are seen to be separate. And the other is a rather special way in which everything is considered to be part of a much greater pattern. Page 38 ...There has never been any question of having to choose between the two. They merely represent the extremes of a spectrum of possible response. At one end is a scientist who sees everything in isolation, and at the other a mystic who experiences only a featureless flow. Both views are restricted and misleading, but there can be a meeting in the middle. When both physicists and mystics are asked for their description of how the world works,they give the same answers. It is almost impossible to distinguish between the two groups of quotations. All agree that are two viable metaphysical systems, and that the truth lies in a reconciliation between them.
Fingerprints Of The Gods Graham Hancock 1995 Page 490 "The novelist Arthur Koestler, who had a great interest in synchronicity, coined the term 'library angel' to describe the unknown agency responsible for the lucky breaks researchers sometimes get which lead to exactly the right information being placed in their hands at exactly the right moment." ( Page 354"...Acting on impulse, I climbed into the granite coffer and lay down, face upwards, my feet pointed towards the south and my head to the north."
Gifts of Unknown Things Page 38 continued " Drop two identical pebbles into the pond at different points and you will get two sets of similar waves that move towards each other. Where the waves meet, they will interfere. If the crest of one hits the crest of the other, they will work together and produce a reinforced wave of twice the normal height. If the crest of one coincides with the trough of the other, they will cancel each other out and produce an isolated patch of calm water. In fact, all possible combinations of the two occur, and the final result is a complex arrangement of ripples known as an interference pattern. / Page 39 / When the place is developed and fixed, it will look like a totally meaningless jumble of very fine light and dark lines, but these can be unraveled. Simply take the plate into a dark room and illuminate it with the same laser. When you do this you cancel out interference and what you get is the original pattern of light from the reflected source. Peering through the plate, you find yourself face to face. You get a very realistic view which is a great deal more than a two-dimensional por-trait. Hologram means "whole record," so what you get is more than face value. You get all the information that light can provide about that face, The plate becomes a window. If you move your head to the side, you see the face in profile. Stand up and you get a view of the hairstyle."
deoxy.wiki : Tulpa Tulpa —from the wikipedia: A tulpa is, in Tibetan mysticism, a being or object which is created through sheer willpower alone. In other words, it is a materialized thought that has taken physical form (a thoughtform). In the Western mystery tradition this is called an "egregore". The following is quoted from David-Neel's book: On the Creation of Tulpas However interested we may feel in the other strange accomplishments with which Tibetan adepts of the secret lore are credited, the creation of thought forms seems by far the most puzzling. As I have said, some apparitions are created on purpose either by a lengthy process resembling that described in the former chapter on the visualization of Ydam or, in the case of proficient adepts, instantaneously or almost instantaneously. In other cases, apparently the author of the phenomenon generates it unconsciously, and is not even in the least aware of the apparition being seen by others. However, the practice is considered as fraught with danger for every one who has not reached a high mental and spiritual degree of enlightenment and is not fully aware of the nature of the psychic forces at work in the process. Once the tulpa is endowed with enough vitality to be capable of playing the part of a real being, it tends to free itself from its maker¹s control. This, say Tibetan occultists, happens nearly mechanically, just as the child, when his body is completed and able to live apart, leaves its mother¹s womb. Sometimes the phantom becomes a rebellious son and one hears of uncanny struggles that have taken place between magicians and their creatures, the former being severely hurt or even killed by the latter. Tibetan magicians also relate cases in which the tulpa is sent to fulfill a mission, but does not come back and pursues its peregrinations as a half-conscious, dangerously mischievous puppet. The same thing, it is said, may happen when the maker of the tulpa dies before having dissolved it. Yet as a rule the phantom either disappears suddenly at the death of the magician or gradually vanishes like a body that perishes for want of food. On the other hand, some tulpas are expressly intended to survive their creator and are specially formed for that purpose. Perhaps the latter course is the wisest. I affirm nothing. I only relate what I have heard from people whom, in other circumstances, I had found trustworthy, but they may have deluded themselves in all sincerity. Nevertheless, allowing for a great deal of exaggeration and sensational addition, I could hardly deny the possibility of visualizing and animating a tulpa. Besides having had few opportunities of seeing thought-forms, my habitual incredulity led me to make experiments for myself, and my efforts were attended with some success. In order to avoid being influenced by the forms of the lamaist deities, which I saw daily around me in paintings and images, I chose for my experiment a most insignificant character: a Monk, short and fat, of an innocent and jolly type. I shut myself in tsams and proceeded to perform the prescribed concentration of thought and other rites. After a few months the phantom Monk was formed. His form grew gradually fixed and lifelike looking. He became a kind of guest, living in my apartment. I then broke my seclusion and started for a tour, with my servants and tents. The Monk included himself in the party. Though I lived in the open, riding on horseback for miles each day, the illusion persisted. I saw the fat tulpa; now and then it was not necessary for me to think of him to make him appear. The phantom performed various actions of the kind that are natural to travelers and that I had not commanded. For instance, he walked, stopped, looked around him. The illusion was mostly visual, but sometimes I felt as if a robe was lightly rubbing against me, and once a hand seemed to touch my shoulder. The features which I had imagined, when building my phantom, gradually underwent a change. The fat, chubby-cheeked fellow grew leaner, his face assumed a vaguely mocking, sly, malignant look. He became more troublesome and bold. In brief, he escaped my control. Once, a herdsman who brought me a present of butter saw the tulpa in my tent and took it for a living lama. I ought to have let the phenomenon follow its course, but the presence of that unwanted companion began to prove trying to my nerves; it turned into a "day-nightmare". Moreover, I was beginning to plan my journey to Lhasa and needed a quiet brain devoid of other preoccupations, so I decided to dissolve the phantom. I succeeded, but only after six months of hard struggle. My mind-creature was tenacious of life. There is nothing strange in the fact that I may have created my own hallucination. The interesting point is that in these cases of materialization, others see the thought-forms that have been created. Alexandra David-Neel, Magic and Mystery in Tibet, University Books Inc., 1965 search resultsThoughtforms and phantasms The creation of thoughtforms and phantasms However interested we may feel in the other strange accomplishments with which Tibetan adepts of the secret lore are credited, the creation of thought forms seems by far the most puzzling.... Phantoms, as Tibetans describe them, and those that I have myself seen do not resemble the apparitions which are said to occur during spiritualist seances. As I have said, some apparitions are created on purpose either by a lengthy process resembling that described in the former chapter on the visualization of Ydam or, in the case of proficient adepts, instantaneously or almost instantaneously. In other cases, apparently the author of the phenomenon generates it unconsciously, and is not even in the least aware of the apparition being seen by others. However, the practice is considered as fraught with danger for every one who has not reached a high mental and spiritual degree of enlightenment and is not fully aware of the nature of the psychic forces at work in the process. Once the tulpa is endowed with enough vitality to be capable of playing the part of a real being, it tends to free itself from its maker's control. This, say Tibetan occultists, happens nearly mechanically, just as the child, when his body is completed and able to live apart, leaves its mother's womb. Sometimes the phantom becomes a rebellious son and one hears of uncanny struggles that have taken place between magicians and their creatures, the former being severely hurt or even killed by the latter. Tibetan magicians also relate cases in which the tulpa is sent to fulfil a mission, but does not come back and pursues its peregrinations as a half-conscious, dangerously mischievous puppet. The same thing, it is said, may happen when the maker of the tulpa dies before having dissolved it. Yet as a rule the phantom either disappears suddenly at the death of the magician or gradually vanishes like a body that perishes for want of food. On the other hand, some tulpas are expressly intended to survive their creator and are specially formed for that purpose.... Must we credit these strange accounts of rebellious "materializations", phantoms which have become real beings, or must we reject them all as mere fantastic tales and wild products of imagination? - Perhaps the latter course is the wisest. I affirm nothing. I only relate what I have heard from people whom, in other circumstances, I had found trustworthy, but they may have deluded themselves in all sincerity. Nevertheless, allowing for a great deal of exaggeration and sensational addition, I could hardly deny the possibility of visualizing and animating a tulpa. Besides having had few opportunities of seeing thought-forms, my habitual incredulity led me to make experiments for myself, and my efforts were attended with some success. In order to avoid being influenced by the forms of the lamaist deities, which I saw daily around me in paintings and images, I chose for my experiment a most insignificant character: a Monk, short and fat, of an innocent and jolly type. I shut myself in tsams and proceeded to perform the prescribed concentration of thought and other rites. After a few months the phantom Monk was formed. His form grew gradually fixed and lifelike looking. He became a kind of guest, living in my apartment. I then broke my seclusion and started for a tour, with my servants and tents. The Monk included himself in the party. Though I lived in the open, riding on horseback for miles each day, the illusion persisted. I saw the fat trapa, now and then it was not necessary for me to think of him to make him appear. The phantom performed various actions of the kind that are natural to travelers and that I had not commanded. For instance, he walked, stopped, looked around him. The illusion was mostly visual, but sometimes I felt as if a robe was lightly rubbing against me and once a hand seemed to touch my shoulder. The features which I had imagined, when building my phantom, gradually underwent a change. The fat, chubby-cheeked fellow grew leaner, his face assumed a vaguely mocking, sly, malignant look. He became more troublesome and bold. In brief, he escaped my control. Once, a herdsman who brought me a present of butter saw the tulpa in my tent and took it for a living lama. I ought to have let the phenomenon follow its course, but the presence of that unwanted companion began to prove trying to my nerves; it turned into a "day-nightmare". Moreover, I was beginning to plan my journey to Lhasa and needed a quiet brain devoid of other preoccupations, so I decided to dissolve the phantom. I succeeded, but only after six months of hard struggle. My mind-creature was tenacious of life. There is nothing strange in the fact that I may have created my own hallucination. The interesting point is that in these cases of materialization, others see the thought-forms that have been created.... In connection with these kinds of visualization or thought-form creation, I may relate a few phenomena which I have witnessed myself: 1. A young Tibetan who was in my service went to see his family. I had granted him three weeks' leave, after which he was to purchase a food supply, engage porters to carry the loads across the hills, and come back with the caravan. Most likely the fellow had a good time with his people. Two months elapsed and still he did not return. I thought he had definitely left me. Then I saw him one night in a dream. He arrived at my place clad in a somewhat unusual fashion, wearing a sun hat of foreign shape. He had never worn such a hat. The next morning, one of my servants came to me in haste. "Wangdu has come back" he told me. "I have just seen him down the hill". The coincidence was strange. I went out of my room to look at the traveler. The place where I stood dominated a valley. I distinctly saw Wang-du. He was dressed exactly as I had seen him in my dream. He was alone and walking slowly up the path that wound up the hill slope. I remarked that he had no luggage with him and the servant who was next me answered: "Wangdu has walked ahead, the load-carriers bust be following." We both continued to observe the man. He reached a small chörten, walked behind it and did not reappear. The base of this chörten was a cube built in stone, less than three feet high, and from its needle-shaped top to the ground, the small monument was no more than seven feet high. There was no cavity in it. Moreover, the chörten was completely isolated: there were neither houses, nor trees, nor undulations, nor anything that could provide a hiding in the vicinity. My servant and I believed that Wangdu was resting for a while under the shade of the chörten. But as the time went by without his reappearing, I inspected the ground round the monument with my field glasses, but discovered nobody. Very much puzzled I sent two of my servants to search for the boy. I followed their movements with the glasses but no trace was to be found of Wangdu nor of anybody else. That same day a little before dusk the young man appeared in the valley with his caravan. He wore the very same dress and the foreign sun hat which I had seen in my dream, and in the morning vision. Without giving him or the load-carriers time to speak with my servants and bear about the phenomenon, I immediately questioned them. From their answers I learned that all of them had spent the previous night in a place too far distant from my dwelling for anyone to reach the latter in the morning. It was also clearly stated that Wangdu had continually walked with the party. During the following weeks I was able to verify the accuracy of the men's declarations by inquiring about the time of the caravan's departure, at the few last stages where the porters were changed. It was proved that they had all spoken the truth and had left the last stage together with Wangdu, as they said. 2 A Tibetan painter, a fervent worshipper of the wrathful deities, who took a peculiar delight in drawing their terrible forms, came one afternoon to pay me a visit. I noticed behind him the somewhat nebulous shape of one of the fantastic beings which often appeared in his paintings. I made a startled gesture and the astonished artist took a few steps towards me, asking what was the matter. I noticed that the phantom did not follow him, and quickly thrusting my visitor aside, I walked to the apparition with one arm stretched in front of me. My hand reached the foggy form. I felt as if touching a soft object whose substance gave way under the slight push, and the vision vanished. The painter confessed in answer to my questions that he had been performing a dubthab rite during the last few weeks, calling on the deity whose form I had dimly perceived, and that very day he bad worked the whole morning on a painting of the same deity. In fact, the Tibetan's thoughts were entirely concentrated on the deity whose help he wished to secure for a rather mischievous undertaking. He himself had not seen the phantom. In these two cases, the Phenomenon was produced without the conscious co-operation of its author. Or, as a mystic lama remarked, Wangdu and the painter could hardly be termed the authors of the phenomena. They were but one cause - maybe the principal one - amongst the various causes which had brought them about. 3.The third strange occurrence I have to relate belongs to the category of phenomena which are voluntarily produced. The fact that the apparition appeared in the likeness of the lama who caused it, must not lead us to think that he projected a subtle double of himself. This is not the opinion of advanced adepts in Tibetan secret lore. According to them such phantoms are tulpas, magic formations generated by a powerful concentration of thoughts. As it has been repeatedly stated in the preceding chapters, any forms may be visualized through that process. At that time I was camping near Punag ritöd in Kham. One afternoon, I was with my cook in a hut which we used as a kitchen. The boy asked me for some provisions. I answered, 'Come with me to my tent, you can take what you need out of the boxes.' We walked out and when nearing my tent, we both saw the hermit lama seated on a folding chair next my camp table. This did not surprise us because the lama often came to talk with me. The cook only said 'Rimpoche is there, I must go and make tea for him at once, I will take the provisions later on.' I replied: 'All right. Make tea and bring it to us.' The man turned back and I continued to walk straight toward the lama, looking at him all the time while he remained seated motionless. When I was only a few steps from the tent, a flimsy veil of mist seemed to open before it, like a curtain that is slowly pulled aside. And suddenly I did not see the lama any more. He had vanished. A little later, the cook came, bringing tea. He was surprised to see me alone. As I did not like to frighten him I said: 'Rimpoche only wanted to give me a message. He had no time to stay to tea.' I related the vision to the lama, but he only laughed at me without answering my questions. Yet, upon another occasion he repeated the phenomenon. He utterly disappeared as I was speaking with him in the middle of a wide bare track of land, without tent or houses or any kind of shelter in the vicinity.
THE FULCANELLI PHENOMENON Kenneth Rayner Johnson 1980 Page 263 "It will be as well to recall here what Fulcanelli's reply was when Bergier asked him what the real nature of alchemy consisted in. He said: 'The secret of alchemy is that there exists a means of manipulating matter and energy so as to create what modern science calls a force-field' This force field acts upon the observer and puts him in a privileged position in relation to the universe. From this privileged position he has access to realities that space and time matter and energy, normally conceal from us. This is what we call the Great Work.' "
DAILY MAIL Jonathon Cainer 6 May 2006 YOUR WEEK AHEAD Page 84 (number omitted) Having trouble sleeping? Read this 'The sum of the square of the two sides of a right angled triangle is equal to the ssquare of the length of the hypotenuse.' Unless you're a mathematician, your probably snoring already. Pythagora's theorem can have that effect. Pythagoras was in fact, a vegetarian visionary who led a cult dedicated to the mystic meaning of numbers. Triangles, for him, contained 'divine messages'. For astrologers, they still do! This week, Jupiter, Mars and Uranus divide the zodiac into three perfect equilateral triangles. It's auspicious for anyone seeking a formula for success
Mysteries of the snowflake: The curious world of ... - The Independent www.independent.co.uk › News › Environment › Nature? 5 Jan 2013 - Mysteries of the snowflake: The curious world of the ice-crystal experts ... The ice crystals, nestling in the ice clouds as unborn snowflakes, ...
THE INDEPENDENT MAGAZINE Wednesday 11 September 2013 Mysteries of the snowflake: The curious world of the ice-crystal experts. Everybody loves snow, right? But not many of us are obsessed, like the scientists who study these icy enigmas. Nicola Gill enters the curious world of 'dendrites' and 'plates' Dr Chris Westbrook works in deepest Hampshire at the Chilbolton Observatory, home to the world’s largest steerable radar dish, at a whopping 25 metres across. Inside his laboratory, lights blink and instruments receive continuous feedback from the giant dish pointed skywards and looming ever-present outside the window. But even on the hottest summer day, while the other denizens of Chilbolton parish are enjoying Pimm’s on their sun-loungers, Dr Westbrook is buried deep in snowflakes. “The radar dish sends out microwave pulses into ice clouds high up in the atmosphere where the temperature is always well below freezing – whatever it is down here,” he says. The ice crystals, nestling in the ice clouds as unborn snowflakes, bounce those microwaves back and the echoes which return are pored over and analysed by Dr Westbrook and his team. “"We have the most sensitive equipment for studying ice clouds in the world," he says. Westbrook is one of just a tiny handful of snowflake researchers in the world, a group of obsessives who live and breathe snow – fixated on chasing the perfect flake and understanding exactly which weather conditions will produce the many different formations. “It may seem slightly odd that I’ve devoted myself to studying snowflakes when the UK isn’t renowned as an especially snowy place,” he continues, “but, in fact, the vast majority of precipitation in this country starts as snow, which melts high above us and then falls as rain, which we certainly do have a lot of. So if you want to predict precipitation you need to study snow and how it forms.” So far, so dispassionate; ask Dr Westbrook if he likes making snowmen and he rather frostily replies that he’s as keen as the next man (“but I have a degree in physics and electrical engineering and where others see a winter wonderland I see physics in action”). But ask him about the way snowflakes are formed and fall to earth and the amazed child inside emerges as he describes the physics-meets-fairytale element of his work. “The aerodynamics of snowflakes have an inherently mysterious quality we’ve yet to crack,” he enthuses. “We classify their falling style in four unique ways: the ‘tumble’ is a sort of head-over-heels action, the ‘spin’ is a vertical downwards motion with a built-in rotation, the ‘pitch and glide’ is best described as a zig-zag and the ‘twirl’ is how we describe a snowflake that’s descending while spinning and rotating at an angle. Which they do depends on how fast they fall and their size, but it’s a puzzle that’s not solved and we don’t know why they behave as they do all of the time. As for the intricate formations of individual flakes, I defy anyone not to be amazed.” Of course, it’s those spectacular shapes – some like icy fireworks caught mid-explosion, others frozen, fantastical many-armed sea creatures – that fascinate the rest of us non-scientists. Nearly all snowflakes (or snow crystals as scientists insist on calling them, as a large flake can actually be made up of several crystals that clump together on their drift earthwards) have six-sided symmetry, though three- or 12-sided crystals also fall. You will never see a snow crystal with four, five or eight sides. It was ancient Chinese scholars who first noted their sixfold symmetry and they made beautiful complex categories and charts detailing their infinite variety and grouping them into types; as no two snowflakes can ever be identical. Broadly speaking (there are several competing classification systems), the classic, celebrated Christmas-card snowflake is categorised as a dendrite (meaning tree-like, with branches and side-branches). These are the iconic superstars of the snowflake world, hogging all the glory and most of the photo-opportunities. They can be sub-categorised as stellar, radiating or fern-like. As if winning the beauty contest weren’t enough, dendrites’ supermodel qualities (they can be extremely thin and light) also mean they make the best powder snow for skiing. Next in line, the supporting cast, are the plates (stellar, sectored or split) with 12-sided flakes bringing up the rear. The ugly sisters, which in reality make up the vast majority of snowflakes, are the rather dull, hollow and capped columns, needles, simple prisms, bullet rosettes and asymmetrical specks, doomed forever to be the boring, bitty, non-showbiz flakes we brush off our sleeves with nary an “ooh” or an “aah”. The categorisation of snowflakes has a long history. In 1655, Robert Hooke published a large volume called Micrographia, containing his sketches of snowflakes viewed for the first time under the new invention of the day, the microscope. American farmer, Wilson ‘Snowflake’ Bentley, devoted most of his life to capturing images of snow crystals and his famous book of that name is still in print to this day. Japanese physicist Ukichiro Nakaya created the first truly systemic classification scheme for snowflakes in 1934, in which he subdivided falling flakes into 41 individual types which meteorologists Magono and Lee almost doubled by producing a chart of 80 different types in 1966. Mathematician and philosopher René Descartes is one of many fine minds through the ages to be fascinated by snowflakes and to ponder how such perfection could be created. While every flake really is a law unto itself, other supposed snow ‘facts’ are not quite so true. The oft-quoted idea that it’s ‘too cold to snow’ is nonsense (it snows at the South Pole where it’s rarely above -40C), and even the apparent truism that snow is white turns out to be slushy logic. Ice crystals are clear, like glass, but when they form a large pile, light is reflected off the surface, bounces around and eventually scatters back out. Since all colours are scattered roughly equally, snow only appears to be white. These, and many other reasons, are why world-renowned snowflake obsessive, California-based Ken Libbrecht, has made it his life’s work to study, photograph and ‘grow’ snowflakes. The author of several beautiful books showcasing his favourite flakes out of the 7,000 he has photographed, he lives and breathes dendrites, rosettes and plates. “There is something magical about snowflakes,” he says from his laboratory in Pasadena. “You don’t often see such complex symmetry in nature and that makes them extraordinary. The whole intriguing structure of a snow crystal simply arises quite literally out of thin air, as it tumbles through the clouds. The way the crystal grows depends on the temperature it is shaped in – a simple enough idea to grasp – but the underlying physics is fiendishly complicated and has remained a puzzle. I spend a lot, and I mean a lot, of time thinking about this.” As Libbrecht explains, the life of a snowflake is a hidden, epic, scientific journey in which it transforms through liquid, gas and solid states. “Snowflakes begin life as water vapour in the air – evaporated from oceans, plants, even your breath – and when air cools down at some point the water vapour will condense out. Near the ground it could, for example, be as dew, but higher up it condenses on to airborne dust particles into countless minute droplets. A cloud is just a huge collection of these water droplets suspended in the atmosphere.” The next stage is where it gets exciting, say Libbrecht. Depending on conditions, these droplets could fall as dreary rain, sleet or hail, or descend as mist or fog. But when conditions are right, the alchemy occurs and these minute droplets metamorphise into something more impressive. “At around -10C, the droplets gradually freeze into minuscule particles of ice,” he says. “When humidity is high enough, water vapour condenses on to its surface, gradually building a snowflake. At first they are very small and mostly in the form of simple, hexagonal prisms – but as they grow, the branches sprout from the corners to make ever more complicated shapes.” By growing crystals in his lab, Libbrecht has learnt how the multitudes of varying shapes depend almost entirely on the temperature and humidity. For example, thin plates and stars grow around -2C, while columns and slender needles appear near -5C. Plates and stars form around -15C and a combination of plates and columns are made at around -30C. Libbrecht’s devotion to dendrites has led him halfway around the world and he thinks nothing of basing holidays with his wife and two children exclusively around snowflake sightseeing. On one trip, he took his young children to Japan, where snowflakes are virtually a national craze. “Snow-crystal tourist spots are popular with the Japanese and I flew my family over for a winter holiday to the northern island of Hokkaido, home to the Museum of Snow and Ice, where even the doorknobs are in the shape of snowflakes. Admittedly, it’s not your usual family getaway, but my children know all about capped columns and other snowflake forms. They’re both in college now, but my daughter definitely gets a kick out of telling friends her dad is a snowflake scientist.” At dinner parties, when asked what he does, Libbrecht says, “I like to lead with the science,” but admits that people are really only interested in his photographs and the pretty patterns of individual flakes, and unlikely to want to hear about the convection chamber where he conjures snowflakes into existence. “Basically, it’s just a cold chamber about a metre tall, with two containers of heated water on the bottom. Convection mixes the water vapour into the cold air creating super-saturated conditions for growing snowflakes. We nucleate crystals by dropping a speck of dry ice in the chamber and the crystals float until they grow to about 10-100 microns in size, when they fall to the bottom of the chamber.” Inevitably, though, the most common question is, how can Libbrecht be so sure no two snowflakes are ever identical? He likes to tell people that physics has a Zen-like answer, “which is that it depends largely on what you mean by the question. The short answer is that if you consider there’s over a trillion ways you could arrange 15 different books on your bookshelf, then the number of ways of making a complex snowflake is so staggeringly large that, over the history of our planet, I’m confident no two identical flakes have ever fallen. The long answer is more involved – depending on what you mean by ‘alike’ and ‘snowflake’. There could be some extremely small, simple-shaped crystals that looked so alike under a microscope as to be indistinguishable – and if you sifted through enough Arctic snow, where these simple crystals are common, you could probably find a few twins.” If you thought snowflakes were the ultimate in nature’s micro-level majesty, ice crystals have one more trick up their sleeve, one that almost none of us will ever see, unless we find ourselves at the South Pole. Ice crystal halos are produced in the same way as rainbows, except that the sunlight (or moonlight) refracts from ice crystals instead of water. In other words, instead of being rainbows, they are ‘snowbows’, and, says Libbrecht, “simply exquisite”. Does he ever wonder, staring for years on end at the so-far-impenetrable and wondrous beauty of his subjects, if only a higher hand could have made them? “No,” he says bluntly, the scientist firmly back at the helm. Of course there’s still one obvious question that always come up before pudding that he’s more than happy to elaborate on. Why does he do it? “Humans usually make a thing by starting with a block of material and carving from it,” says Libbrecht. “Computers, for example, are made by patterning intricate circuits on silicon wafers, but in nature things simply assemble themselves. Cells grow and divide, forming complex organisms. Even extremely sophisticated computers like your brain arise from self-assembly. Your DNA does not contain nearly enough information to guide the placement of every cell in your body, most of that structure arises spontaneously as you grow.” The snowflake is a very simple example of self-assembly. “There is no blueprint or genetic code that guides the growth of a snowflake, yet marvellously complex structures appear, quite literally out of thin air.” As the electronics industry pushes toward ever smaller devices, it is likely that self-assembly will play an increasingly important role in manufacturing, and Libbrecht’s work could contribute to that. But neither he nor Westbrook care much about that, they just revel in the joy of unravelling the tantalising mystery of snowflakes. “Einstein didn’t worry about the practical applications of relativity, he just wanted to understand how nature worked. Snowflakes are remarkable structures that simply fall from the sky. With over six billion people on the planet, surely a few of us can be spared to ponder the subtle mysteries of snowflakes.”
THE INDEPENDENT MAGAZINE Wednesday 11 September 2013 Mysteries of the snowflake: The curious world of the ice-crystal experts. Inevitably, though, the most common question is, how can Libbrecht be so sure no two snowflakes are ever identical? He likes to tell people that physics has a Zen-like answer, “which is that it depends largely on what you mean by the question. The short answer is that if you consider there’s over a trillion ways you could arrange 15 different books on your bookshelf, then the number of ways of making a complex snowflake is so staggeringly large that, over the history of our planet, I’m confident no two identical flakes have ever fallen. The long answer is more involved – depending on what you mean by ‘alike’ and ‘snowflake’. There could be some extremely small, simple-shaped crystals that looked so alike under a microscope as to be indistinguishable – and if you sifted through enough Arctic snow, where these simple crystals are common, you could probably find a few twins.” "The short answer is that if you consider there’s over a trillion ways you could arrange 15 different books on your bookshelf,"
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THE MAN WHO LOVED ONLY NUMBERS Paul Hoffman 1 999 Page 217 "Mathematicians in India in the sixth century had developed a place value system and introduced the concept of a zero to keep their symbols in their proper places. Thus a 1 with an 0 after it, or 10, is a very different number from a 1 alone. Erdos, who always joked that he was old and stupid, said the Indians were very clever, not just in their discovery of zero, but in their choice of similar- sounding Hindi words for stupid person (buddhu) and old person (buddha). In the seventh century, Hindu scholars introduced Islam to the Indian number scene, and the ideas of zero / Page 216 ( omitted) and place value spread rapidly throughout the Arabic world. Six centuries later, Fibonacci was so impressed with the ease of the Hindu-Arabic numerals that he wanted to make Pisan merchants aware of them. In 1202, he wrote Liber abaci (Book of the Abacus), which, despite the title had little to do with the Abacus and a lot to do with liberating computations from the yoke of Roman numerals. The book seems quaint from the vantage point of the twentieth century, because it explains what we take for granted. "The nine Indian figures are: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, and with the sign Zero. . . any number can be written."
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JUST SIX NUMBERS Martin Rees 1 OUR COSMIC HABITAT PLANETS STARS AND LIFE Page 24 A proton is 1,836 times heavier than an electron, and the number 1,836 would have the same connotations to any 'intelligence'
" the number 1,836 would have the same connotations"
Shakespeare Quotes - Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made on. The Tempest Act 4, scene 1, William Shakespeare
Freiheit - Keeping The Dream Alive lyrics. From the Original Motion Picture ... In my fantasy I remember their faces The hopes we had were much too high ...
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm.
Daily Mirror Friday, March 6, 2009 By Martin Fricker Front Page "IS THIS IT ? THIS IS IT!"
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